Thursday 24 November 2011


It once again gives me great privilege to announce our chosen Entrepreneur of the Month in Gordon's Bay for their contribution to our town. They are Felicity Fourie and Nico Marais, the owners of Village Plastics!

Village Plastics opened for business on the 7th August 2009.

Felicity Fourie and Nico Marais are both resident in Gordon’s Bay. Felicity spent 17 years in the Paint and Chemical Industry and 10 years in Exports and Financial Management. Nico was in Fruit Exports for 24 years.

Their colourful and interesting little shop is situated at Shop 19 Village Walk (Pick n Pay) Faure Marine Drive Gordon’s Bay. This shop offers a large variety of products including Plastic ware, Brush ware, Baking ware, Kitchenware, Storage Containers of all shapes and sizes, Toys, Gifts, Packaging and more.    

It is a bright and happy shop with something for everybody, whether it is, a Bird Feeder, Broom, Beach Bucket, Battery Operated Candle, Vuvuzella, spray bottle or a Rugby Flag! Their motto is “Anybody who says money can’t buy happiness - Doesn’t know where to Shop”

Village Plastics supply individuals, schools, crèches, restaurants, guest houses, hair salons, hotels, etcetera and will source products specially to suit the specific needs of their customers

Nico and Felicity strive to give their customers excellent service, competitive pricing and an interesting shopping experience. As quoted by Felicity 'Our business is only as good as the promises we keep'
 Please support Village Plastics and pay them a visit. Their contact details are: Felicity 0829081884 and Nico 084954266 They can also be reached on email at

We wish them a wonderful and successful coming summer season! Remember its up to us to support local businesses for the benefit of all of us and our beautiful town, Gordon's Bay.